Wednesday, September 29, 2010

LLK Pattern Tester

This past weekend I spent my Saturday morning trying to get all the sewing I had wanted to do during the week but couldn't because I'm back to work done. Well, I still didn't get ALL of it done, not even close, but I did manage to get the most important item done: The Prepschool Pleat skirt. It hasn't been released yet. You see, I was lucky enough to be picked as a pattern tester for the skirt. I have always wanted to be a pattern tester, but had been scared of it because I'm fairly new to sewing and wasn't sure if my knowledge would be sufficient enough for such a task. I'm so glad I was picked and that I did it.

First, let me say I LOVE Little Lizard King's patterns. Next, this skirt is SOOOOOO cute!

The entire skirt maybe took 2 hours to make. I made it from some corduroy that I bought at Wal*Mart and was planning on making Bug a fall coat with (that will have to wait until I find myself some more cute cord!) and some solid brown cotton.The pattern was pretty straightforward, but there were a few things that I suggested to make it easier to follow. It was a bit big for Bug, but I sent pictures to Little Lizard King to help her get a better idea of how to fix it. When I was trying to take the pictures Bug wouldn't hold still and so this is what I ended up with:
The wood pallet is my new sewing room fixture. It is going to be used as my backdrop for the clothing photos (another thing to add to the to do list) for the shops.

I think you can tell that I am in love sepia right now. I love this picture in though because it makes it much softer and gives it a vintage-y/western-y feel.  As you can see the skirt was a little bit too big as it sagged in the back, so I did some altering and made the side seams a little bigger and it now fits perfect!

This one isn't the best photo quality, but I just couldn't resist posting it because of the attitude Bug has. Like always..she gets THAT from her father. ;)

I can't wait for the actual pattern to come out when all the (which there weren't many at all) wrinkles are ironed out (sewing pun intended). Be sure to check out Little Lizard King's etsy shop
for more other great patterns. They are always very easy to follow and oh so cute! It shouldn't be long before you can get the pattern for this cutesy skirt!!!

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Amie {Kitty Cats and Airplanes} said...

You did such a great job! I love the fabrics you used, they contrast so nicely. Testing patterns would be such a fun opportunity!

sara said...

Adorable! I can't sew, but my mom can...hmmm...grammy may have some work ahead of her :)

Unknown said...

I love the skirt. The green and brown combination is so pretty. I wish I knew how to sew. It would be great to make such cute things for my kids. I am following you from follow me fridays.

Unknown said...

Love this cute Skirt, and your daughter is darling too! following you from Monday blog hops. Check us out at HaddyGrace designs!!