Monday, October 4, 2010

Toddler Boppy

I came up with this idea after hearing about my niece who would try and breastfeed her baby dolls after seeing her Mommy feed her baby brother. My SIL uses a boppy nursing pillow and I thought it would just be fitting if my niece had one of her own. I made the toddler boppy FOREVER ago (or so it feels) and am just getting around to making a tutorial. It is a perfect gift for the little mommy in your life.

p.s. if you're not into the whole toddler breastfeeding thing, it can be used as a neck pillow! 

Materials Needed:
*2 Fat Quarters or 1/2 yard
*Matching Thread
*Polyfil or cotton filling
*Needle & Thread
*Pinking Shears (optional)
*Toddler Boppy Template (Be sure to check the 1x1" box is accurate)

1. Fold your fabric right sides facing. Place the pattern on the fold where indicated, mark and cut. You need to cut two, one for the top and one for the bottom.
This picture is a bit silly. I had already cut my piece out of the fabric and then thought I should have taken a picture. DOH!

 Please ignore the wrinkles... NOTE: ALWAYS iron before cutting and sewing!!

 2. Now that you have your two pieces lay them on top of each other so that ride sides are facing each other.

3. Pin your start and stop spot. This is the spot that you will pull the right sides out from turning it right side out and then sew up by hand. You will want to leave this open at least 2 inches. I like to put mine on the lower outside.

4. Sewing time! Start at the bottom most pin and sew all the way around to stopping once you reach the next pin. If you didn't pin your entire piece shut, like lazy me, keep the two pieces aligned with your hand as you sew.
I align the edge of my fabric with the edge of my presser foot.

5. Trim the seam allowance with pinking shears. If you don't have pinking shears, then cut slits around the round edges. This will allow it to maintain its shape better when turned right side out.

6. Turn right side out. I think the easiest way to do this is to stick your hand in the opening and navigate to the far side. Once you've reached the farthest side from the opening pinch the fabric with your fingers and pull it out the opening.

7. Time to fill! Using your fill break off slightly large than a handful pieces and start filling. Fill the farthest side from the opening working your way towards the opening.

I ran out of fill by the time I made it to the opening, so I had to fill the last little bit with scrap fabric. A bit lumpy but still does the trick.

8. Sew up your opening by folding the raw edges in and sewing a ladder stitch.
Yours shouldn't have the ripple in it. Mine does because of the scraps I had to use instead of the fill. 

9. Step back and enjoy your mini boppy. Everything in mini is so much cuter and this is no exception!! 

Bug LOVED it! She insisted on me wearing it and feeding her baby too. 

I'd love to see the ones that you make (crystal.n.nick(at)!!!!
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                          I linked up with:
The DIY Show Off


Unknown said...

I love the look of little projects like this but I am completely and totally domestically challenged. That's why I sneak sewing into our little one's bag if she's going to grandparents...both Nanna's sew well and can have it done in a babysitting session :)
Well done you, though - sooo CUTE!

Mary said...

That is adorable! What a great idea. I love when little girls try to be like their mommys. I hope my daughter gets into dolls soon. :)

Unknown said...

Your title grabbed my attention over at Just Married with Coupons.
Your blog is great! New follower! I'm a craft-a-holic, so I'd be suuure to be back in no time.

CheekyMommaof2 said...

This is absolutely adorable!

I'm following you!

Cheers from Being Frugal & Making It Work

Anonymous said...

That is adorable! Your little girl is a beauty and I love your blog name!

I'm your neweswt follower from Tuesday Blog Hop!

Anonymous said...

Love the tutorial!!! I'm following from the blog hop and glad I found you :) Hope you'll follow back

Prem Saisha said...

Hi,I'm your new follower,hope you follow back!

Melinda said...

Cute idea! I am a new follower from Blog Hop Skip and Jump.

Jenny said...

Just ran across your blog, and I am loving it! I want to make this for my BFF's little girl, but I can't get the template document to open. Would you mind reposting or emailing it to me? Thanks so much!

Jenny said...
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Tanya ~ The Chatty Mom said...

Hello! I just came across your blog and LOVE IT! I would love to have this post on my site as a guest post...the Toddler Boppy is just too cute, and I am not a great seamstress yet. Would it be alright with you?