Tuesday, April 6, 2010

$0.50 Wallet Makeover!

The other day I went into Rue21 and was browsing when I found some great deals. The first deal was  a pair of $35 riding boots for $5. They were the LAST pair and MY size. I was destined to find them. I had been pining for a cute pair of brown riding boots for awhile and at $5 I couldn't pass it up. The next deal came when I turned from the shoe section to find the clearance items marked at ...... 50 CENTS! Guess what I found? I found some really cute wallets, but when I got to the counter some were actually $2. Needless to say I only got 2 of the original 5ish wallets I had picked out (yes, because I am THAT  cheap).  The first one is a patent black ruffle one (sorry no picture) and the second is this cute, but not really me zebra one.
After about 1 week of trying to convince myself that the wallet really was me and failing I decided I could fix it! And thus this tutorial was born.

Modge Podge

Sponge Brush
Fabric you LOVE
~30 minutes

Step 1:
Remove any bling or anything else on your wallet that keeps you from having a flat surface, unless you think you'll like the look of it covered up. Save bling for future project(s).

Sorry about the poor quality on this photo.

Step 2:
Clean the newly flat surface.

Step 3:
Cut around your wallet leaving 1/2" edging. (I don't have a picture of this sorry!)

Step 4:
Apply Modge Podge with sponge brush to the wallet and place fabric on. Let dry a few minutes and peel back edge, tuck under and re modge podge it to the wallet. (no photo again!) 

When you get to the corners fold in one side and then foldover the other side to make a 45 degree angle. Modge podge down. Continue to work your way around one side of your wallet.

That was my first edge... It came out a bit wonky, but I was too lazy to fix it I left it for character... You could pull it back up and re-lay it with modge podge again if you wanted.

This is when I had it all done, but it shows you the 24 degree corner I was talking about. It is just like what you do when you wrap presents.
Step 5:
Repeat on other side of the wallet.

Step 6: (optional)
Apply a thin coat of Modge Podge over the fabric on both sides to make it easier to clean (necessity with sticky fingered little ones rummaging through your purse all the time).

Congratulations! You now have a 50 cent wallet that IS your style and all in under 30 minutes!!!

If any of you try this, I'd love to see yours mail pictures to

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