Besides that, I ended up chatting away with a coworker causing me to leave later than my official 3pm release time. Thus I was rushing home and may have been using excessive speed. Down one hill, up another and SHOOT! Check the speedometer...70! 70!? That can't be right, I'm going UP HILL! Look in the mirror and DOUBLE SHOOT! HE'S TURNING AROUND! I slow down to the respectable 55 and keep driving as I watch the car in my mirror getting closer and closer, but thankfully no lights come on. Then it happens...FLASH FLASH FLASH! TRIPLE SHOOT!!!!!! There I sat in my car on the side of the road as the state trooper runs my license and registration, but before he did this he asked the typical questions of where I was coming from, going, and if I know why he pulled me over. Then he takes my license and says, "You have a motorcycle license?" "Yes sir." And then he chuckles. Maybe if it actually was FRIDAY and not THURSDAY and I didn't have to go to work in the morning, then MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, I would have said, "What's so funny about that Mr. Trooper-Sir?" But of course I didn't. I just smiled and let him go about his information running business as I anticipated a hefty punishment coming my way whilst ridiculing myself for my irresponsible behavior that put me in this position. The trooper came to my window with a piece of paper in his hand, and it was then that I knew there was no way of getting out of this. He politely informed me again of my infraction and then told me that the state we live in also requires drivers to keep their license plates clearly visible and mine was covered in dirt. (Hmm.. I live on a dirt road and it's the back of my car..I'm sorry officer. I didn't check my car's butt in the mirror this morning because I was sure that today's suspension and tires clearly accented it if not enhanced it) What he was trying to say was that instead of writing me a speeding ticket that would result in 4 points on my license he was letting me off easy with something like an operators failure ticket or something like that because of the license plate. Phhhhhhhhhew.
Needless to say the whole leaving work late and trying to make up time through excessive speed didn't work out too well when all the time I was and would have made up was lost with me sitting on the side of the road waiting to be dealt my silky smooth ticket (I love to feel the paper). Consider it a lesson learned.... I will now set my cruise control to
p.s. Is it completely weird that I thought of asking the officer if he would politely take a picture of my pathetic circumstance with my iPhone so that I could post it with the story on my blog later that night? Yea, I didn't, but I was totally thinking about how to do it without making things worse for myself. (I didn't come up with a way...hence not actually doing it)
HA! This is hilarious to me only because it sounds like a day I had not too long ago! I am your newest follower and thanks so much for stopping by @ Crafty Housewife!
I completely understand how you feel! That was my Wednesday a week ago. I was not a happy camper!
What a funny post! I am so sorry you had a bad day! I LOL when you said you almost asked him to take a picture to put on your blog. You know you have a blog when... LOL I find myself thinking the same thing sometime in the weirdest circumstances. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am following you back now. You have the cutest blog!
Great blog- I have enjoyed looking around and getting to know you a bit. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following- I'm following back!
OMG. That was a great read! Not that you got pulled over of course! But that you had the thought of asking him to take your picture! Sad thing is, I probably would have and told the cop the reason why. But of course, saying, its all to show them what NOT to do! haha.
I am your newest follower! I would love it if you could follow me back on one or all of my blogs!
Thanks! Have a great rest of your weekend!
Sorry! I'm a follower from the weekend blog hop at graphic design by tara :)
OMG i can see that officers face if you had actually asked him to take the picture. he would be so shocked... Following from Friday Follow blog hop.
Ugh that is the worst feeling!!! Don't you ever want to be like "oh come on really? Please can't you let me go this ONE time?" But yeah, that never works....
Thanks for following me! I love your blog too! Hope your weekend made up for the silly cop who doesn't understand that 70 is totally an under control speed!
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