Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mother's Day

It's long past mother's day, but I have an important post to share so let's travel back in time! :)

For mother's day we went over to Terry's (Nick's mom) for a little bit, and then headed down to my mom's. We stared there for a little bit, but couldn't stay long because I had a lot of college work to get down as that was my last week of college. So we went back up to the house. Nick told me he had gotten me something but wouldn't tell me what. I just laughed and was like you didn't have to I'm a mom-to-be. Then he went fourwheeler riding for a little bit with Heath and Heath's inlaws. When he came back it was late and night and said do you want your gift? Of course I said yes. So he handed me a card which said "wife" instead of fiance and he was like I'm sorry but I couldn't find a fiance mother-to-be card and I figured we're close enough to "wife". Than he gave me my present................and this is why I love him so much. He listens even when I'm thinking he isn't, and it's times like these that he truly amazes me. So he hands me................a baby doppler. Not like the dopplers in the doctor's offices, but a at home one. He knew I wanted to get one so that we could listen to the baby's heart whenever we wanted, but I didn't really think that he was paying attention when I told him. It was definitely the best present anyone could ever get me as a mommy-to-be for mother's day!!!!

Now, how do I match that for father's day? Maybe get him one so he can listen to his belly? lol ;)

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