Sunday, April 18, 2010

Finally Here...

Spring break has sprung and I'm loving every minute of it. I have been trying to get Bug's room together, so that I can start on my next task...THE KITCHEN! I had planned to paint the deck during my week off but mother nature has other plans. OF COURSE! What do I mean? I mean SNOW and 40 degree weather in the middle of APRIL! We need to move. Have I told you how much I hate being outside when it is cold?

I do, so today I tried to stay in as much as possible, which meant catching up on some cleaning and some long over do internet dreaming. You know what I mean by that, don't you? It's where you hop from site to site, have 1 million tabs open (i love you firefox), and are just dreaming, dreaming, dreaming of all the beautiful things to come in your life and concocting plans on how to get them FASTER. Through my time of internet dreaming I have come up with a new genius a garage (without a loan) that has living space too and live in the garage while we then build our house (without a loan). Here are the garages that I have found and think would work (all of the pictures are taken from Just Garage Plans):

 Nice, but I'm not crazy about the floor plan for the 2nd floor (the living space)

 Like the three car option and think the Hubba Bubb will love it, but no living space plans for 2nd floor. (as in an ACTUAL layout)...I think the layout would be similar to the one above..(eh)

 Love this living space! Perfect for what we want, and then we'll have a guest house/in-law house/apartment for the kid(s).

 I LOVE this garage. I love the look the placement of the doors,everything, EXCEPT... the lack of living space available on the second floor. Can't have your cake and eat it too!

I think it sounds good in my head and on here, but if I really have patience to do it...that I'm not so sure of. I'm thinking it'd take a good three years to build the garage and then another 3-5 to build the house on top of that. So we're looking at 2019?

That would make Bug 11.
I cannot even think about that.

I think I just convinced myself not to go along with this wonderfully crazy idea...who knows though, maybe the hubba bubb has something up his sleeves that I don't know about.

1 comment:

chris said...

Dreaming is fun. Your house hopes are exciting.