Friday, September 3, 2010

New name?

I've been playing with the idea for a new blog name for awhile now. I want something more catchy, representative of me, the blog, and if it isn't too much to ask to love it so much that I won't have any desire to change it every couple of months.

As of right now I was thinking these;

A temporary holding ground

(something) dirt road

The dirt road diva (I think this is my favorite)

And on another topic yet similar...

I have also been toying with the idea of starting a sewing blog. Ok I've already done it but haven't finished it or got it going. Right now it is called the lazy sewer but I think I might change it to sew impatient or something like that because I can never wait for my projects to be done. The general Idea for the blog would be to complete at least one project a week and offer a review of it with any tips or techniques think would be helpful. What do you think? Does it sound like something you'd read or be interested in?

So what do you think for a blog name for this site? The sewing one? Would you read it?

Pleas excuse any typos this was sent via my iPhone

1 comment:

Kimberly @shrinkingkimberwls said...

Love "Dirt Road Diva"! Too cute! Following you now! Please follow me back! God Bless, have a great weekend!